• Question: If you had to convince someone to start science what would you say?

    Asked by anon-342487 on 22 Nov 2022.
    • Photo: Matthew Swift

      Matthew Swift answered on 22 Nov 2022:

      I think the key thing is identify with what you find interesting and to get people into the habit of asking “why?”

      When we’re young, we ask “why” all the time and then as we get older and get more context we tend to stop and just accept things. But in science you just get to continually ask “why”. So if you like a particular science target, ask yourself why you find it interesting. In my case I just found how DNA code makes us all individuals so fascinating I had to keep digging and digging.

      Find the thing that makes you ask “why” and pursue it and never stop!

    • Photo: Chris O'Callaghan

      Chris O'Callaghan answered on 23 Nov 2022:

      Do science because it is fun!
      We all hate to get bored and the great thing about science is that it is always changing because we are always discovering new things.

    • Photo: Kaye Eve-Rowe

      Kaye Eve-Rowe answered on 23 Nov 2022: last edited 23 Nov 2022 1:46 pm

      I would say that if you want to help to change the world and help make a positive impact to people’s lives science is the way to go! So many lives have been improved by scientific findings, from live saving medicines to tackling climate change scientists are at the centre of it all!

    • Photo: Daniel Biggs

      Daniel Biggs answered on 25 Nov 2022:

      Hi there, thats a interesting question, If I had to convince someone then I would maybe ask them if science was the field they had a passion for. You go into science because you enjoy it, have a need to answer some big questions and the want to, hopefully, make a difference.

      When thinking about your career, and life, in general. I would always encourage someone to fist look for a career that can use the subjects they enjoy most and feel confident in.

      Good luck for the future and thank you for the question

    • Photo: Mukta Deobagkar

      Mukta Deobagkar answered on 25 Nov 2022:

      I would say that science is fun, it is interesting and never boring. And you get to keep asking questions to solve problems that perhaps no one has an answer for yet!

      Along with the personal joy of being the first to discover something new, your work can help to improve health and life experiences for people all over the world and make a real difference!

    • Photo: Charli Corcoran

      Charli Corcoran answered on 29 Nov 2022:

      Figure out a way to make it fun for you, find something you enjoy learning about or that sparks a little bit of interest and follow that thread. It might lead you to places that you never imagined you would be when you started out!

    • Photo: Sharon Madzorera

      Sharon Madzorera answered on 29 Nov 2022:

      I don’t think anyone should be convinced to go into a career. If they love it, then I will encourage them by telling them the highlights of my work. Do what you love and enjoy!
